claudia fuggetti

Critic s Choice Award LensCulture

date » 15-06-2024 10:10

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tags » Critic's Choice Award LensCulture, Claudia Fuggetti,

I love the way Claudia faces our environmental crisis from a different perspective. In her photography, nature becomes a sort of alienating force, something ungraspable, mysterious, but also mesmerizing and mystical. Metamorphosis has the power to transcend the conception of what the natural elements are, inviting the viewers to contemplate what surrounds them. Fuggetti’s practice pushes the boundaries of photography mixing graphic, paint and coloured elements, and her photographs offer both a powerful and meditative vision.

Giada De Agostinis
The New Yorker


Metamorphosis by Claudia Fuggetti | FUTURES X MPB

date » 30-04-2024 12:29

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tags » Metamorphosis, Claudia Fuggetti, FUTURES, MPB,

Join us on May 16th at 5:00 PM for “Metamorphosis”,an exhibition by Claudia Fuggetti (@lafugg)!⁠

The project encourages viewers to re-imagine nature as a living entity. The exhibition aims to promote a communal experience of how we perceive nature and climate change through an immersive exhibition and contemplative space. The artist will also present new works created during the “FUTURES X MPB residency”.⁠

𝗢𝗽𝗲𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴 | 𝗠𝗲𝘁𝗮𝗺𝗼𝗿𝗽𝗵𝗼𝘀𝗶𝘀 𝗯𝘆 𝗖𝗹𝗮𝘂𝗱𝗶𝗮 𝗙𝘂𝗴𝗴𝗲𝘁𝘁𝗶⁠
𝗗𝗮𝘁𝗲: 𝟭𝟲 𝗠𝗮𝘆, 𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟰⁠
𝗧𝗶𝗺𝗲: 𝟭𝟳:𝟬𝟬 - 𝟮𝟬:𝟬𝟬⁠
𝗟𝗼𝗰𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻: 𝗜𝘀𝗮𝗮𝗰 𝗧𝗶𝘁𝘀𝗶𝗻𝗴𝗵𝗸𝗮𝗱𝗲 𝟲𝗕, 𝗔𝗺𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗱𝗮𝗺⁠

FUTURES X MPB residency is supported by @mpbcom, the largest global platform to buy, sell and trade used photo and video gear.⁠


Fotografiska Features

date » 23-01-2024 19:19

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tags » Fotografiska Features, Claudia Fuggetti,

"In her series Metamorphosis, the Italian photographer and visual artist Claudia Fuggetti invites the viewer to consider nature as a living, breathing being—not simply the elements that surround us, but something that lives in harmony with us humans.  

Using bright, neon colors and psychedelic imagery, the world Fuggetti depicts in her work is purposefully alien, like a landscape of a faraway planet. It's a world where humanity's presence is felt but not seen, creating something that is strange yet familiar. Exploring themes of technology, futurism, and environmental collapse, Fuggetti shows us a future that is equal parts fantasy and realism." 


Der Greif - Artist Feature Artist Blog

date » 07-04-2023 15:11

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tags » Der Greif, Artist Feature, Claudia Fuggetti,

Hot Zone
Artist Feature of Claudia Fuggetti
Apr 05, 2023
The discovery of the brain area where dreams are generated is relatively recent; it is located precisely above the nape and is called the “hot zone”. Hot Zone documents the unfolding of a lucid dream, placing the viewer in the balance between fiction and reality, in which photography becomes proof of its existence.

I started this new work at a complicated time in my life, at the end of 2019, I was suffering from insomnia, and I was very anxious about the future, with the fate of human beings and the environment seriously compromised. Dreams began to merge with reality, becoming images. From that moment, my obsession was to reproduce what I saw during my sleeping hours, noting details and trying to recreate them visually.

The images on a subconscious layer are transformed into a visual journey in which visions, flashbacks and hallucinations connect, giving rise to new space-time dimensions and psychedelic worlds. The relationship between landscape and nature is complex: real places have been altered through digital painting interventions. They seem to come from alien planets, taking on unusual colors and becoming a mirror of human tension towards the future of the Earth.

Beauty hides restlessness: “I had a dream, which was not all a dream.” - Lord Byron.

Hot Zone becomes an actual dimension, bringing to life what is usually destined to be lost after each awakening. The contribution of artificial intelligence can help overcome the human limit of memory. Within the project are images (square format) of documentation produced by a neural network I created.

Hot Zone by Claudia Fuggetti - Village Books

date » 16-04-2022 18:35

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tags » Hot Zone, Claudia Fuggetti, Villlage Books,

Village presents Hot Zone, a new artist edition by Claudia Fuggetti.

The discovery of the brain area where dreams are generated is relatively recent; it is located precisely above the nape and is called the “hot zone”. Hot Zone documents the unfolding of a lucid dream, placing the viewer in the... ​​Read More

Village presents Hot Zone, a new artist edition by Claudia Fuggetti.

The discovery of the brain area where dreams are generated is relatively recent; it is located precisely above the nape and is called the “hot zone”. Hot Zone documents the unfolding of a lucid dream, placing the viewer in the balance between fiction and reality, in which photography becomes the proof of its existence.

Fuggetti started this new work at a complicated time in her life, at the end of 2019, suffering from insomnia, and very anxious about the future, the fate of human beings and the environment, seriously compromised. Dreams began to merge with reality, becoming images. From that moment, her obsession was to reproduce what she saw during sleeping hours, noting details and trying to recreate them visually.

The images on a subconscious layer are transformed into a visual journey in which visions, flashbacks and hallucinations connect, giving rise to new space-time dimensions and psychedelic worlds. The relationship between landscape and nature is complex: real places have been altered through digital painting interventions. They seem to come from alien planets, taking on unusual colours and becoming a mirror of human tension towards the future of the Earth.

Beauty hides restlessness: “I had a dream, which was not all a dream.” – Lord Byron.

Hot Zone becomes a real dimension, bringing back to life what is usually destined to be lost after each awakening. The contribution of artificial intelligence can help overcome the human limit of memory. Within the project, there are images (square format) of documentation produced by a neural network I created.

Published by Village
Design by Sam Hutchinson
19 x 27.5 cm
Softcover, double zine with fold-out poster, vacuum sealed
1st Edition, 50 copies
April 2022
In Stock



date » 25-11-2021 14:56

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tags » Air Land 4.0, NATURE, TECHNOLOGY, ENERGY, Associazione Quasiquadro,



La quarta edizione del concorso internazionale d’arte contemporanea Air Land 4.0 indetta dall'associazione Quasi Quadro, vede protagonisti della Mostra collettiva presso il complesso delle Ex Officine Ferroviarie dI Barge (CN) le opere degli artisti finalisti Simon Luca Barboni, Yasmin Crawford, Sabino de Nichilo, Marco Fiume, Claudia Fuggetti, Samantha Heydt, Alisa Marchenko, Lucia Marchesin, Alexandra Marinova, Samantha Passaniti, James Johnson-Perkins, Giorgio Salvato, Alessandro Scaglione, Christopher Webb,

Il tema scelto quest'anno è NATURA, TECHNOLOGIA, ENERGIA.
Ciò che ci circonda equivale alla nostra stessa sostanza, siamo parte di un unico immenso universo che accoglie e ingloba tutti gli esseri e gli elementi: la natura.
L'essere umano, appartenente a tale insieme, sente la costante necessità di avvicinarsi, traendone beneficio e sentendosi accolto.
Nonostante ciò, egli è riuscito a distinguersi ed ergersi, nel bene e nel male, al di sopra di altri esseri attraverso capacità intellettive differenti. Accanto alla natura si erge dunque la tecnologia, attraverso la quale l'uomo riesce a far fronte a nuove problematiche e a soddisfare in modo più semplice le sue necessità.
E' solo attraverso l'energia positiva e il coraggio di osare che si riesce a generare nuove possibili azioni, decostruendo gli ostacoli e generando nuove forme espressive dinamiche, permettendo lo sviluppo di una visione molto più ampia che ribalta e sposta i punti di vista.

Nel corso dell’evento sarà presente Yas Crawford, artista e fotografa del Regno Unito, vincitrice del premio Mostra Personale, che inaugurerà la sua prima mostra in Italia “CELLULAR FLOW, I’ve been thinking”. Le immagini dell’artista descrivono un viaggio inquietante di malattia cronica, la cui complessità, bellezza e flusso incontrollabile sono delicatamente combinati in uno spazio biologico ultraterreno.

In contemporanea verrà esposta per la prima volta l’opera “Torre Littoria w/ Barge Field: Potensne me audire”, lavoro multidisciplinare che unisce pittura e suono dell’artista canadese Christopher Webb, vincitore del Premio Residenza, realizzata durante il suo soggiorno nella città di Barge in collaborazione con la “Scuola di Musica di Barge Giulio Roberti”.
Alessandro Berti - Archeologo
Chen Ming - Esperto interculturale e presidente dell’associazione ANGI Torino
Piera Comba - Sindaco del Comune di Barge
Federica Maria Giallombardo - Critica d'arte, ricercatrice e giornalista (Artribune)
Mai Lang - Artista visivo
Mattia Lapperier - Storico dell'arte, critico e curatore
Quasi Quadro - Associazione culturale

Link qui.


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